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Notation regarding Specified Commercial Transactions Law
Seller: NBnetwork
Name of Chief Operating Officer: Ryuzo Tada
Postal code: 880-0841
Location: 2nd floor, 3169-4 Soshimaeko, Yoshimura-cho, Miyazaki-shi, Miyazaki Prefecture
Phone number: 0985-32-1058
Email address:

Selling price:

For the selling price, please refer to the amount displayed on the website (displayed price/tax included).

Payment timing and method:

You can pay by credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer.

Cancellation of practice:


Cancel activity:

7 days ago: 0%, 3 days ago: 50%, 1 day before: 100%

Refunds for cancellation fees will be sent to your payment account approximately one week after cancellation.

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